In today's rapidly evolving workplace, addressing the health and wellbeing of women is essential for creating inclusive and productive work environments.
83% of women experienced some sort of practical or financial impact as a consequence of a spell of poor health1

Guide to women’s health in the workplace
Our workplace guide is here to help you support employees across some of the most personal challenges they might face, from infertility to the menopause and pregnancy to mental health. Its insights and tips are designed to ensure every employee feels able to navigate life’s most personal journeys and feel their best, both in and out of work.
£20.2 billion is the annual cost to the UK economy1 of neglecting women's health at work
That's why we're engaging with parliament and working with businesses to better support the health of female employees.
Ensuring women’s wellbeing at work: Guidance for MPs' offices
We’re seeking change in workplace support for women’s health. Prepared by AXA Health with support from Fawcett Society, Wellbeing of Women and Bloody Good Period this guide sets out our actionable recommendations for Parliament, focusing on three key areas for workplace: menstruation, menopause and fertility.
The consequences of neglecting women’s health in the workplace
We teamed up with The Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) to develop a comprehensive research campaign that sheds light on the experiences of women in the workplace concerning their health.
Workplace support for female employees
From pregnancy to the menopause, female employees can face some of life’s biggest challenges while they’re at work. In fact, around 85% of working-age women have experienced at least four women’s health conditions.1
Our women’s health support services help your female employees connect easily and confidentially to expert support and guidance for the issues that matter most. These services, some of which are chargeable, enable your people to take control of their wellbeing, helping you create an inclusive culture where every employee knows they’ll be supported, whatever life throws their way.
Fertility, early parenthood and menopause support
Together with health app Peppy, this service gives employees – aged 18 or over – and their partners somewhere to turn during life’s most personal challenges. Offering one-to-one, virtual consultations and in-app messaging with specialist Peppy practitioners, as well as a rich library of wellbeing resources, your people can access support and guidance every step of the way.
Men’s and Women’s health support
Together with Peppy, we give people a much-needed place to go for reliable and practical guidance on men’s and women’s health. Connecting whole workforces to expert support and education for the issues that matter to them.
Beyond routine menopause support
Most women find they can manage menopausal symptoms with the help of advice and lifestyle changes, but others may need more dedicated expert support.
You can add menopause support to your AXA Health healthcare scheme, so if your employees experience complex symptoms that a GP can't manage, the GP can refer them to our network of British Menopause Society accredited consultant gynaecologists. Your scheme would need to include benefits for outpatient specialist consultations and diagnostic tests.
Cancer cover and diagnosis
With our Advance healthcare schemes, cancer care services are included as standard. Our cancer care team is made up of nurses with oncology experience and skilled case managers who all specialise in cancer cases.
We’ve also teamed up with Check4Cancer to offer fast access to diagnosis for several cancer types without a GP referral for members aged 18 and over. This includes breast cancer, where all necessary tests and an indicative outcome can be completed on the same day.
24/7 health support line
Health questions can crop up at any time, day or night. That’s why our team of experienced health professionals, including nurses, midwives, counsellors and pharmacists4, is here to answer any questions that your employees might have.
Access to 24/7 health support is included in our Advance private healthcare schemes and is available to your employees and their families all year round via our health support line and email service.
Seminars and training
Raise awareness about women’s health across your team with wellbeing seminars workshops and training that empower your people with knowledge and understanding, helping employees and line managers to flourish and support an all-round healthier business.
We cover a wide range of topics, from women’s health and menopause awareness and education to managing sensitive conversations. Combine our wellbeing seminars, workshops and training courses to complement your existing wellbeing programme.
1 AXA Health and Cebr 2023; The consequences of neglecting women’s health in the workplace. 2,000 respondents.
2 Make a Difference – Why It’s Time To Normalise The Conversation Around Women’s Health (quoting a Peppy, 2022 Women’s Health study)
3 Based on Peppy research with a client. 130 respondents, 2019.
4 Nurses and counsellors are available 24/7/365. Midwives and pharmacists are available Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday 8am to 4pm and Sunday 8am to 12pm.
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