Our email service allows you to ask our team of experienced health professionals, including nurses, midwives, counsellors, pharmacists and dieticians, your health related question.
You don’t have to be a member, and you can ask for yourself or anyone in your family. We’ll get back to you via email, usually within 24 hours, with clear information and support.
24/7 health support line

Are you an AXA Health member?
When you're concerned about your health, or that of a loved one, you can call one of our friendly healthcare professionals, day or night.
Whatever the issue, big or small, we are here to help. The AXA Health 24/7 health support line gives you access to one of our team of experienced health professionals who can give you information and support, covering everything from a minor sprain to worries about a major operation.
Ask one of our experienced health professionals, who’re here to help you get the best out of your health. If it matters to you, then it matters to us.