Vitamin C
Vitamin C is found in broccoli, cabbage, spinach, citrus fruits, red and green peppers, kiwi fruit, strawberries, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.
>Try our crustless quiche recipe
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in nuts, seeds, wheatgerm, whole grains and avocados.
Digestive system-friendly foods
A great deal of our daily requirement for water is used for digestion and the elimination of waste products from the body.
“Drinking at least 2 litres, or 6-8 glasses a day is important not only to help stay well hydrated, but also help to prevent constipation, which is one of the first symptoms of habitual dehydration”, says Raj.
“Many of us may exist in a semi-dehydrated state, which can often lead to niggling health problems that we might not realise are connected, such as indigestion, bloating, irregular bowel movements, as well as headaches and lack of concentration. The key to staying hydrated is to drink little and often throughout the day.”
While not everyone needs to avoid gluten, some may benefit by choosing non-gluten cereal grains like rice more often, as these are more easily digested and gentler on the gut.
The starch in rice, particularly Basmati rice1, is digested and absorbed slowly, thereby providing a steady release of glucose into the blood for sustained energy.
Based on several scientific studies, rice and rice-based meals are normally well tolerated and may even help to improve gastrointestinal symptoms in functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID)2 .
More research tells us that rice can be included as a part of varied diet to help with managing conditions such as diverticulitis which is a type of diverticular disease (a condition affecting the large bowel or colon). White rice tends to be much lower in fibre compared to brown rice and therefore can be suitable to be included as part of varied diet for those on a low-fibre diet due to diverticulitis3.
There are many health benefits associated with ginger. Compounds called gingerols have anti-inflammatory properties4, helping reduce pain in conditions such as arthritis.
Ginger root has been historically associated with helping to sooth the digestive system and stomach pains by eliminating excess gas, as well as being found to reduce symptoms of nausea and vomiting. The research on ginger and it’s medical use dates all the way back to 400 BC in Chinese remedies5.
Try adding fresh ginger to hot water to make a warming drink, perfect for a cold day! You can also get ginger in ground or powder form which you can add into your cooking. There are many different ways6 you can include ginger in your food intake – the key is variety.
Pears are known to be one of the least allergenic foods and are very gentle on the gut, so are well tolerated by almost everyone. Pears are good sources of the soluble fibre pectin and of bioflavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants and may protect against a range of diseases7.
Not only do antioxidants have the ability to eliminate / reduce the risk of damage from free radicals in our body but they can also contribute to the protective effect against the risks of certain disease such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer and type 2 diabetes8.
Pears also make a useful contribution to vitamin C and potassium intake, which can help to regulate blood pressure.
Probiotics, or 'friendly bacteria' as they are often known, help to maintain a healthy balance of so-called good and bad bacteria in our gut.
This balance of microbes, also known as the gut flora, can be thrown out by a wide range of circumstances, including:
- the use of drugs
- excess alcohol
- stress
- disease
- or exposure to environmental toxins.
When this happens it can lead to an increase in the harmful bacteria that cause ill-health.
Probiotics are often recommended for problems such as diarrhoea or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or after a course of antibiotics that has resulted in constipation.
Fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt, tempeh, miso, and kefir are great dietary sources of probiotics.
Raj says: “Including plain live yoghurt in your diet, subbing it for coconut milk in curry, or adding it to fruit or cereals will give you what you need. You don’t necessarily need branded products specifically marketed as ‘gut friendly”.
Prebiotics are nutrients and constituents of food that our gut flora feed upon, thus increasing the number of microbes found in the gut. Prebiotics include compounds known as fructo-oligosaccharides, which are found naturally in many complex carbohydrates and plants, including leeks, onions, wheat, garlic, chicory root and artichokes. The prebiotic ‘inulin’ is now being added to some brands of breads and cereals.
Prebiotics helps the growth of the 'friendly bacteria' in the gut, which in turn aids digestion, improves gut health and boosts the immune system. It may also help reduce the severity of food poisoning and the effects of food intolerance.
Peppermint tea is thought to help food digest after a meal, preventing bloating and heartburn. Ginger tea may help upset stomachs and prevent nausea, while soothing and comforting fennel or chamomile teas may help with symptoms of IBS, which is strongly associated with stress.