Salt has been used for centuries to preserve, flavour and season food but, as tasty as it is, too much salt can be bad for your health.
According to The Health Survey England 2021, 15% of UK adults have untreated hypertension1 and consuming too much salt is a key contributory factor. Salt makes your body hold onto water. If you eat too much, the extra water in your blood means there is extra pressure on your blood vessel walls, raising your blood pressure.2
A high salt diet also disrupts the natural balance of sodium in the body and, as blood pressure rises, it increases the risk of other health problems such as heart disease and stroke.
If you already have high blood pressure, reducing salt intake is a good way of lowering it. It’s all about moderation, salt is not bad in the right amounts, in fact, we have a daily essential requirement for a certain amount of salt in our diet.
So how much salt is good for you and how can you get the balance right?