Sciatica treatment at home
Sciatica usually gets better in a few weeks to a few months, but it can sometimes last longer. It can also return if you've had it before.1
Around 90% of people with sciatica pain get better without medical intervention - most within four to six weeks and sometimes less.2 Contrary to popular belief, many people with sciatica put themselves on bed rest, thinking that this will help them to heal. It doesn't!3
The following recommendations for sciatica treatment at home may provide some relief:
Using hot/cold packs on your lower back – for the first 2-4 days use ice packs to help reduce inflammation of the sciatic nerve. After day 4, switch to alternating ice and heat several times a day. Leaving on for at least 20 minutes between use.2
Keeping active – this can help maintain your muscle strength and improve flexibility. In cases of extreme pain, avoid sitting or lying for long periods and try to move little and often throughout the day.
Taking effective pain relief – for example ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs may help to relieve pain and swelling.2
Avoid heavy lifting or twisting – gentle movement is ok but try and avoid putting too much strain on your back and legs.
Our article, Top 10 exercises for a healthy back, is also well worth a visit for tips and exercises you can try to help manage lower back pain, as recommended by our musculoskeletal team.