A family break-up. Difficulty with low mood. Struggles with debt. Your employees bring so much more to work over and above themselves and the skills you employed them for. And, while some things they can manage, others might seem too much to cope with.
With an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) in place, they can get help with the things that are affecting them right from the start – before their everyday stresses begin to influence their wellbeing and productivity.
An EAP can have a number of benefits for your business and your team. For your employees, it can be reassuring to know that they have someone to speak to, no matter what is on their mind. It can also show your commitment to supporting their mental health and wellbeing, which can help with staff retention and productivity. Providing support through an EAP could also help to reduce the amount of absenteeism within your business, as your team is able to access help and support quickly.
Our EAP cover option is only available as part of a healthcare cover plan when chosen with at least one other cover option.
Julia’s accountancy business has eight employees. She’s always aimed for an open and honest culture within her team and likes to think that her staff will talk to her when things aren’t adding up in their personal lives. However, Julia knows that there are many things that people find it hard to talk about with someone they know, let alone with their employer. And she knows that the demands of running a small business sometimes take their toll on her, too.
Julia has an Employee Assistance Programme included as part of her small business healthcare cover. Her staff have someone independent to talk to about their worries and concerns. And she can also reach out when she needs to.
Regardless of the cover options that you choose, you'll have access to the following included as standard with your small business insurance plan:
At AXA Health, we know that every small business is unique. That’s why we offer a choice of healthcare cover options and benefits that you can select from, so that you only pay for the cover you want.1
Choose your cover options to create a package that works best for you and your team. For more help, speak to one of our advisors on 0800 389 7413*
1If you are buying cover for 1-2 people only, you will need to include either the Treatment option or the Diagnostics Only option in your plan.
We’re proud that our Business Health plan has been rated 5 stars by independent financial information business, Defaqto. The Defaqto 5-star rating is based on an assessment of the overall product including all options. If some of the options are not selected, this will affect the product’s star rating.
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*Phone lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. We may record and/or monitor calls for quality assurance, training and as a record of our conversation.
For sales and renewals enquiries, please contact your usual account manager or email us at sales@thephc.co.uk.