What type of policy are you claiming for?
Cashback and Dental
If you are a Cashback or Dental member
Log in to your online account to send or reply to a secure message, submit a claim or view your policy documents.
Is this a Medical or Non-Medical claim?
Travel Claim form (for medical and additional expenses claims)
If you’re claiming for a service that you’ve paid for, you’ll need to complete the claim form below and provide an itemised invoice, you’ll also need to provide a receipt if the invoice doesn’t show your payment as received
We will require the itemised invoice to show all the information below to ensure your claim is not delayed.
- The name of the person who has received the treatment.
- The type of treatment received.
- The date the treatment took place.
- The cost of the treatment, along with receipt or confirmation of payment.
- The address of the treatment provider, this would usually be on the invoices headed paper.
We will require the receipt to show:
- The date the treatment took place.
Please also include:
- Any medical reports.
- Confirmation of your originally planned outbound and return journey dates and your new return journey if this had to be changed.
- A copy of your bank statement or credit card showing the exchange rate for payments made abroad. Please redact any information that isn’t related to your claim.
You will need to send it along with the required documents to AXA Health, International House, Forest Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 5FE. Don’t forget to include your membership number at the top of each document.
Once you have completed the travel claim form, please submit your claim via the link below
If you’re abroad and need help
Call for worldwide medical advice and help in an emergency outside of the UK
International Emergency Medical Assistance
Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
If you or someone else covered under your policy is admitted to hospital whilst abroad, we’ll be able to speak directly to the hospital and you can concentrate on getting better. Please call within 24 hours so any medical expenses are authorised as soon as possible.
How to claim for non-medical travel expenses
If you want to claim for things such as loss of passport, delayed departure, or cancellation of trip due to illness, please call us on +44 (0) 345 602 0303 and select option 1 to confirm what information you'll need to provide with your claim.
Lines open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. We may record and/or monitor calls for quality assurance, training, and as a record of our conversation.
Travel policy documents
For renewal dates from 01 October 2024 – 31 March 2025
For renewal dates from 01 April 2023 – 30 September 2024