Find what’s right for you
If you don’t enjoy running, don’t do it! If gyms aren’t your thing, don’t join one! Finding something you enjoy can be half the battle, but once you do, you’re more likely to stick to it and make it a regular habit.
Variety is important if you get bored easily and, depending on what your goals are, different activities will bring different health benefits. For example:
Aerobic activity – such as running, swimming and cycling will help to increase cardiorespiratory fitness, as well as make you feel good afterwards. More commonly known as our ‘happy hormones’, our body releases endorphins when we exercise, triggering a positive feeling.
Once the body is used to doing this type of exercise, it also adapts and becomes more efficient, which can increase motivation too.
Resistance training – this is not only effective for strengthening muscles, but also the connective tissues that surround the joints; your ligaments, tendons and cartilage.
Many people tend to worry that resistance work or ‘strength training’ might make them look too muscular when, in fact, it provides so many more benefits depending on the type of training you do.
For example: basic squats, lunges, press ups, etc. can be really good for our posture and supporting our joints, as well as helping us to maintain bone density and muscle mass, which we start to lose as we get older.
This can help us to stay mobile and flexible, reducing the risk of injuries or falls, as well as aid us in everyday tasks that may become more difficult as we age. Movements we don’t often think about, such as:
- carrying shopping bags,
- getting in and out of a chair,
- or lifting heavy objects in the house,
can all be made easier if we incorporate resistance exercises into our lives.
We use many of the same muscle groups to perform a squat as we would to crouch down and tie our shoes, or to sit on the toilet.
Yoga and Pilates – these relaxation-based practices can provide many benefits to health and wellbeing. They are easily accessible, can be practised in the comfort of your own home and often require minimal equipment. There are many online tutorials and classes to get stuck into, so give one a go.
>Read more about some common yoga myths
So, once you know what you want to achieve and what’s right for you, how’s best to fit it all in?