Feelgood Health inspiration
Sam and Sian are part of a phenomenon that’s sweeping the beaches of West Wales - a group of cold water swimmers better known as ‘The Bluetits'.
Sian, who has lived in Pembrokeshire all her life, started the group four years ago. “I started swimming with my friend Tracy, when the water was about 13 degrees.
We began measuring the temperature and watching as it got colder. But we just carried on swimming. Then one day my husband said ‘since the water’s so cold, you should call yourselves the Bluetits,’ Ha ha ha.”

“I'm so much calmer and so much more able to deal with stresses in work. The calmness lasts for days after a swim. There’s one woman who swims with us regularly who cares for two elderly parents one with dementia, one with a heart condition - and her husband had a stroke a few years ago. She was really sinking.
But from the moment she started to swim with us, she started coming out of her depression. And she's lost two stone; which is incredible, with all the cake we eat!”

“In the winter I used to retreat indoors. But we've been out in all weathers - howling wind, hailstones, driving rain, and those gorgeous crispy sunny days. We're in the water all the time. So you don't get cut off from the elements - I haven't noticed the winter blues this year at all.”