Protecting your psychological fitness


Ideal for:
managers and leaders or
health champions

1 hour


Number of people:

Room needs:
theatre-style seating, PowerPoint facility

Hosted by:
Mindflex, a team of experienced mental health specialists


All prices are correct as of 1 January 2025, valid until 31 March 2025 and exclude VAT.

Research shows that people hold unique expectations of organisational leaders, including the assumption that leaders are in a stronger place mentally to manage and support others2. Whereas related research shows that levels of leadership are struggling psychologically now more than ever. 

This session covers the importance of a proactive approach to psychological fitness, and is aimed specifically at your leaders, helping them recognise the common psychological challenges a leader faces in today’s world and how to deal with them.

Learn about:

  • Useful tips and tools to improve psychological fitness.
  • How building psychological fitness can help lead, perform, manage pressure and resolve conflict better
  • The scientific connection between psychological fitness and leadership effectiveness 

1A recording of the event will be available for you to watch and share for up to three months afterwards.

2Anika E. Cloutier and Julian Barling, Expectations of Leaders’ Mental Health, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 2023.

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