Nutrition for immunity and gut health



Ideal for:


1 hour


onsite or webinar

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Number of people:
unlimited (onsite) up to 1000 (webinar)1

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Room needs:
theatre-style seating, PowerPoint facility


Hosted by:
an AXA Health nutritionist or dietitian



All prices are correct as of 1 January 2025, valid until 31 March 2025 and exclude VAT. Additional costs: Please be aware for all onsite activities we may need to add the cost of travel and/or accommodation depending on location.

Good nutrition is the key to a strong immune system and healthy gut. The gut has many roles in our body, from digestion, to supporting our immunity, to how our moods are affected. Not only that, the gut is also home to more than 100 trillion microorganisms, which all have varied uses in supporting our heart and brain health, as well as reducing the risk of disease.

Research has even shown that inadequate nutrition can reduce employee performance by up to 20%2, with poor nutrition being directly linked to absenteeism, low morale and a higher workplace accident rate.

In this session, your employees will learn how better nutrition can support good gut health, immunity and reduce the risk of illness, for themselves as individuals and for wider awareness through to colleagues and families. 

Learn about:

  • The power of good nutrition for our immune systems
  • What the gut is and its roles in the body
  • How nutrition supports good gut health and its microbes.

1 A recording of the event will be available for you to watch and share for up to three months afterwards.

2 Poor workplace nutrition hits workers’ health and productivity, says new ILO report.

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