Nutrition essentials


Ideal for:

1 hour

onsite or webinar

Number of people:
unlimited (onsite) up to 1000 (webinar)1

Room needs:
theatre-style seating, PowerPoint facility

Hosted by:
an AXA Health nutritionist and dietitian 


All prices are correct as of 1 January 2025, valid until 31 March 2025 and exclude VAT. Additional costs: Please be aware for all onsite activities we may need to add the cost of travel and/or accommodation depending on location.

With so much new information available on nutrition, it can feel harder than ever to know what foods can provide us with all the necessary nutrients we need for our day-to-day lives. Good nutrition can help unlock health benefits for your employees, both now and in years to come.

This session goes back to the nutritional foundations that will provide your people with the information they need to understand and improve their health status.

Learn about:

  • Principles of eating well
  • What nutrients are and where to find them
  • Strategies to improve nutritional intake
  • Important aspects of meat and plant-based diets. 

1A recording of the event will be available for you to watch and share for up to three months afterwards.

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