All prices are correct as of 1 January 2025, valid until 31 March 2025 and exclude VAT.
With over 9 million people in the UK neurodivergent2, it's important that we understand, embrace and support neuro-differences at work. Recent research found that 50% of managers lacked confidence with their ability to manage an individual with a neuro-difference.3 Conversely, neurodivergent individuals who are given the support to work in the best way for them are better able to thrive in their roles.
Whether it’s a lack of awareness, stigmatisation or a worry of ‘saying the wrong thing’, our seminar sets out to better equip your Line Managers. We’ll give them the information and tools they need to support their employees, enabling companies to benefit from the enormous value that neurodiversity can bring to the workplace.
Learn about:
- Definitions and common challenges associated with the main neurodifferences
- The benefits of neuro-inclusion
- Legal requirements under the Equality Act (2010)
- Support available to neurodivergent individuals.
1 A recording of the event will be available for you to watch and share for up to three months afterwards
2 Aston University, Neuorodiversity Guide, 2020
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