What is resilience?
Like any skill, resilience can be developed, it just takes some time and practice. Small changes can yield big benefits, like better sleep, more energy and a calmer outlook.
What does it mean to be resilient? It won't make your problems go away, but it can give you the ability to see past them, find enjoyment in life and better handle the bad times.
Workforce Support
Men and suicide
Help seeking needs encouragement and instruction, and first men need to recognise and accept the need for support. Eugene Farrell, Mental Health Lead at AXA Health explores the topic on men and suicide.
Read moreHow to deal with feeling isolated
If you're feeling isolated here are some ideas that could help you shake off that feeling and feel more connected. You are not alone.
Read moreOvercome feelings of failure
Feeling that you have failed can affect every part of your life.The good news is that you can take steps to tackle them before they get out of hand.
Read moreSupporting those not coping
If you’re worried about someone else, this helpful guide from the Samaritans shares what to do if you know someone isn’t coping and may be having suicidal thoughts.
SamaritansHow to cope with change and manage uncertainty
When we experience uncertain times and are unable to predict and plan the future, many of us worry about the ‘what-ifs’ and our minds often dream up worst case scenarios. It’s what we’re biologically programmed to do.
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