Business Health Centre
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Are you talking inclusively when it comes to neurodivergence?
We asked our neurodiversity service providers, Problem Shared, to share their thoughts around the importance of neuroinclusive communication within the professional environment, and the changes that we can all make to embrace this.
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Enhancing member access to our Neurodiversity Assessment and Support service
From 1 April 2024 we’re increasing the way private healthcare members can access to our Neurodiversity Assessment and Support service – making it more convenient. Find out what we’re doing and why.
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We’re here day and night, don’t worry and wait
The 24/7 health support can help employees with everything from heart, diabetes, and cancer concerns, to upcoming treatments, or questions about their medicine – no matter the time of day. We interviewed Lane Wells (RGN), to find out more about the service.
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AXA Health's neurodiversity service - one year on
With 52% of patients currently left waiting over a year for an autism assessment and 40% for an ADHD assessment, the need for more employers to offer access to assessment and support for neurodiversity remains pressing. Find out more about our service one year on and how we can help.
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The blueprint for future health
How we access healthcare is continuing to evolve. So, it’s up to us to ensure we’re ready for what comes next. We asked some of AXA Health’s senior leaders, as well as experts from HBSUK to discuss market developments, benefit enhancements and priorities for 2025.
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Supporting tomorrow’s workforce today
With age and lifestyle related diseases set to rise and the pressure on primary care increasing, our team joins industry experts in a series of short videos providing insights around how you can shape your corporate healthcare needs for today and tomorrow.
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Understanding our support for muscles, bones and joints
In this webinar, AXA Health’s Head of Specialist and Practitioner Relations, Sarah Taylor is joined by Lucy Cassidy from HBSUK who deliver MSK services for AXA Health members, to discuss the importance of MSK conditions in the UK and how AXA Health and HBSUK are transforming the way we treat those conditions.
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Actions today for the avoidance of workforce wellbeing challenges of the future
Dr Chris Tomkins, our Head of Wellbeing, and Zoe Eccleston, Health & Wellbeing Consultant at the Wellbeing Business focused on the actions organisations can take today, to mitigate the health and wellbeing challenges that face the workforces of the future. Watch a video of the session.
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Navigating the future of health
How patients access healthcare is continually changing. Listen in to an informative panel discussion with experts from AXA Health and HBSUK as they share their views on what these changes mean for patients.
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Working in an age of longevity
With a backdrop of UK age expectancy increasing and women’s state pension age now 66 years, more people are extending their working careers. Listen in to a fireside chat with Jan Vickery and Steve Gates as they explore how you can create a blueprint for longevity in your workforce.
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One of the last remaining workplace taboos
We talk to Laura Carter-Penman, Deputy Director of Fertility at Peppy, to discuss the male fertility can have on employees, family and business - and what businesses can do to support employees faced with this challenge.
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The influence of the new government on health
Healthcare in the UK faces a number of challenges including funding, workforce issues and serving an ageing population with growing complex and chronic conditions. Our experts discuss how the new government could influence the provision of healthcare in the UK.
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Delivering impactful workforce wellbeing initiatives
Francesca Bennett, Wellbeing Proposition Lead and Service Design at AXA Health takes a closer look at why providing employees with clinically supported, personalised wellbeing journeys is the future of employee health engagement.
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Financial wellbeing and our mental health
People with mental health problems are nearly three and a half times more likely to have problem debt. Help your employees get the support they need.
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Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a real condition that many people struggle with in the winter season, when the nights draw in and there is less daylight.
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Supporting neurodiversity at work
With nearly half (47%) of employers planning to enhance neurodiversity support within the next two years, we expect this to be one of the next areas of focus for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). As well as workplace wellbeing strategies.
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Considering apps as part of your wellbeing strategy
Following a sizeable growth in 2019-2020 there’s now more than 350,000 health apps in the market with Deloitte estimating more growth next year too. With a significant number of health apps supporting Mental Health – the market is left with a huge choice.
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Why offering the right menopause support matters
Women can experience a range of symptoms before, during and after menopause. From hot flushes and night sweats to heightened anxiety, joint pain and memory loss.
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Preventing inactivity – a business and personal focus for 2022
Sarah Taylor, Head of Specialist and Practitioner Relations, looks at how regular physical activity can help to prevent and control a range of conditions from mental health to cancer, and why getting active has never been so important.
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Providing expert support when it’s most needed
We spoke to one of our Nurse Case Managers, Julia Poxon, to see how this specialist team at AXA Health work with members to provide the right level of support, guidance and care they need at a crucial time…
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How employers can empower and support female employees
Discover the secrets to tackling the growing disparity in mental health between men and women in our latest article together with Peppy. Uncover the hidden impact of women’s life-stage health issues and gain insight into how addressing these disparities can not only enhance employee wellbeing but also foster a successful and productive organisation.
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Support for our children’s mental health has never been more needed
Find out how AXA Health have extended its network of providers supporting Children and Young Persons Mental Health to offer fast access to assessment and treatment with a remote service offered by Onebright Efficacy.
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Key considerations for employee return
REBA’s Employee Wellbeing Research 2021 in association with AXA Health
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The rise of the machines
Robot-assisted surgery is an exciting proposition for both patients and specialists. Find out how we've worked across the private sector, ensuring we achieve good funding decisions that benefit all our members. Read on...
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Wellbeing at work: more than just a perk
Research reveals that people reaching the point of burnout and work-related stress is a significant issue for the UK economy. Katie Plascott, Corporate Marketing Consultant at AXA Health looks at why it's never been more important to get wellbeing right.
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The changing face of primary care
Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, AXA Health Deputy Chief Medical Officer, takes a look at the challenges facing primary care and how care funders, like AXA Health, are responding and reshaping primary care provision.
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The AXA Mind Health Index: Can we better understand our mind health?
When it comes to understanding our mind health, not all rules of medicine apply. Dr Chris Tomkins, Health of Wellbeing at AXA Health, looks into how our Mind Health Index can help.
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A new way for you to look after employee wellbeing
The AXA Health app puts a little bit of ‘feelgood’ motivation at your employees’ fingertips, helping them take small steps to improve their lifestyles and become the best they can be – whatever that means to them.
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Managing return to work anxiety
REBA’s Employee Wellbeing Research 2021 in association with AXA Health
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Bowel cancer symptoms and signs
Our expert talks about the symptoms and signs of bowel cancer.
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Managing mental wellbeing - video series
As managers, you may be the first point of contact for an employee who is experiencing a mental health condition. Listen t our video series with Dr. Mark Winwood on Managing Mental Wellbeing.
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Manager guide to keeping momentum and motivation
If your team is working from home, you may find that some take it in their stride but others, who may have little experience of home working, find it unnerving.
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Kick-starting a connected strategy
Find out how a ‘one health’ approach to wellbeing helps real-estate services firm Avison Young nurture profitable partnerships with its people.
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Driving muscle, bone and joint care forward with a digital boost
Helping your employees with concerns about their muscles, bones and joints just got easier.
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The unknown stresses contributing to ill health in the workplace
Have you ever noticed that when you’re stressed you tend to experience neck, back or shoulder pain?
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Women's Wellbeing in the Workplace
Supporting women’s health is essential for creating an inclusive and productive working environment. In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, it’s important for businesses to offer flexibility and tailored support to ensure every employee thrives. Our guide to men’s and women’s health in the workplace is full of tips and services to support your employees and your business.
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