Job resources

25 February 2021

The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model is based on the premise that stress arises from the imbalance between the requirements of the job and the resources the employee has available to meet those requirements. High strain jobs are often those which combine high demands with inadequate resources.

A demanding role just seems more “doable” when the resources to excel are available.

How can I improve job resources?

We assessed JD-R by looking at the demands of your work, which was coupled with the impact of your work on your life outside work. High demand jobs that have a disruptive impact on outside life tend to be more stressful due to the negative influence on family, relationships and both physical and psychological health.

The “resources” component of JD-R was assessed through factors such as control of workflow, access to the equipment you need, manager/supervisor support and constructive feedback on performance.

Top tips for success

  1. It’s important to speak up if you feel under-resourced.
  2. Determine responsibility – whether that is understand more about your responsibilities, colleagues, the company and seek out support from someone to discuss if more resources are required.


  • You may be judged on your productivity, and if this is sub-par due to poor resource allocation, you don’t want to be sitting there during your performance review claiming it’s not your fault. 
  • Speak up … be the squeaky (but productive) wheel. Ensure you have the right information and resources to complete your tasks, and if not seek out guidance from managers or colleagues.

External resources for more information

HeadsUp. Managing work demands - 

Health and Safety Executive – Management Standards – Demands