Legal Information
Here is a summary of which of our services are regulated, and by which regulatory body.
AXA Health and AXA PPP healthcare are trading names of AXA PPP healthcare Limited (Registered No. 3148119), AXA ICAS Limited (Registered No. 2548573), AXA ICAS Occupational Health Services Limited (Registered No. 1336017), AXA Health Limited (Registered No. 12839134) and AXA Services Limited (Registered No. 3429917). Wholly owned subsidiaries of AXA PPP healthcare Group Limited (Registered No. 03148346) and part of the global AXA Group. All companies are registered in England and Wales at 20 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0BG.
Insurance policies are underwritten by AXA PPP healthcare Limited. AXA PPP healthcare Limited (Registered No. 202947) is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. AXA Health Limited is also authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Registered No. 932948).
The scheme may act if it decides that an insurance company is in such serious financial difficulties that it may not be able to honour its contracts of insurance. The scheme may assist by providing financial assistance to the insurer concerned, by transferring policies to another insurer, or by paying compensation to eligible policyholders.
Further information about the operation of the scheme is available on the FSCS website: